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“Summer Solstice”

22 Jun

img_1827Porcelain and acrylic

My artwork

4 Apr

The following images show a variety of my own art throughout the past few years; some pieces are finished while others remain works in progress. The techniques I play with combine painting, ceramic, drawing and collage experimentation along with abstract intuitive processes. I am very much inspired by the organic evolution and ethereal quality of work by artists Homare Ikeda, Yellena James, Melanie Rothschild and Amanda Krantz. My goal is to make art which reflects the naturally messy and chaotic nature of our lives, the radiant and shimmering energy it can all create, and the journey of letting it all go, completley detaching from any final product or outcome. Growth and balance are constant pursuits.

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” ~Rumi